Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Fifty Shades of Tan

Maren Wade's Confessions of a Showgirl: Fifty Shades of Tan
Maren Wade's Confessions of a Showgirl: Fifty Shades of Tan

Click here to read full article in Las Vegas Weekly

I gasped. The serpent stared straight at me, and I was Eve in the Gardenof Eden. (Ok, I have a confession to make. I didn’t read the book.I read the CliffNotes version. Fine, I know there isn’t a CliffNotes version.) My point is, I would imagine my story is pretty similar.It all started the day I found THE ONE.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

The Truth About The Girl Inside The Cake

Maren Wade's Confessions of a Showgirl: The Truth About the Girl Inside the Cake
Maren Wade's Confessions of a Showgirl: The Truth About the Girl Inside the Cake

Click here to read full article in Las Vegas Weekly

In the life of a showgirl, being asked to participate in promotional events is common. We call them “promos,” and they’re an important part of our job because they help bring awareness to the show we are representing. Sometimes, they feel like chores. Other times, they can be thrilling experiences. I have had my fair share of promos in my career, but there’s one in particular that takes the cake.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Audition Gone Awry: A Nose for Nerding Out

Maren Wade's Confessions of a Showgirl: Audition Gone Awry (*Photo Credit
Maren Wade's Confessions of a Showgirl: Audition Gone Awry
(Photo Credit

A wise actor friend once said, “When I get a residual check it isn't ‘money for nothing.’ It's payback for all those auditions where I had to dance like a fish, do the robot in a bikini, or lip sync to a dead pop star and didn't book the job!”

Everyone starts somewhere, and for a showgirl, somewhere is usually an audition.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Every Showgirl Knows: Fishnets and Sequins Don't Mix

Maren Wade's Confessions of a Showgirl: Every Showgirl Knows Fishnets and Sequins Don't Mix
Maren Wade's Confessions of a Showgirl: Every Showgirl Knows Fishnets and Sequins Don't Mix

Click here to read full article in Las Vegas Weekly

There are elements in life that, no matter how hard you try, never mix: oil and water, cats and dogs, you get the idea. For a showgirl, the most dangerous combo of all time is—brace yourself!—fishnets and sequins.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

I'm Not Really Sure How I Became a Las Vegas Showgirl

Maren Wade
 Maren Wade's Confessions of a Showgirl: I'm Not Really Sure How I Became a Las Vegas Showgirl (Photo Credit: Gabe Ginsberg/Vegas Kool)

I have a confession to make. I’m not really sure how I became a showgirl.

I was born and raised in a small, rural Midwest town known as Los Angeles, California. (By Midwest, I mean my home was slightly west of the 405 Freeway.) At 3 years old, I was singing, dancing and generally annoying my family and friends. As I got older, it felt only natural to seek out a greater audience to annoy. So I spread it around as best I could, performing on TV, on cruise ships and in national and international tours.